Monday 5 May 2008

Food Poisoning

Seriously, I think my office is cursed or I am not suitable to work there. I am beginning to believe that. I can't believe the various types of illness i have when i step into the office. This morning when i woke up, i delayed till the last minute to drag myself off the bed. When i reach the office, my headache starts and i felt so sleepy.

For lunch, i had carrot juice and the worse chicken chop. I think the potatoes were still raw. Few hours later, i throw up in the car. Luckily for me, i had a bag in my car or else the puke will be all over my car mat. And then when i reach office, diarhoea.

What lah. Gimme a break pls ?

1 comment:

AndyC said...

Goto tesco, buy one bottle of tesco brand anti bacterial spray, spray on a thick tissue and wipe the mouse, keyboard and table with it. The keyboard in some cases has been proven to be more dirty than a toilet seat by the BBC. :p