Sunday 1 June 2008

A new beginning

How time flies. It's already the 2nd half of 2008.

Tommorow will be a new beginning for me in terms of my career. I have finally left the bitch but they still owe me my commision. I am wondering if i will ever get it ? The delays & all the excuses pisses me off but what can i do except to vent it all out here ? If they refuse to write me the cheque I can't force them to. I mean, I dun't have a gun =p

Anyway let the past be in the past. I do not hold a grudge on them. After all, it's only a job and I can and have left them behind me.

I look forward to my new company. Lots of new things to explore and a whole new different office culture. Let's see how this works out.


Royal Paladin said...

Best of Luck in your new career.

May your talents finally get the recognition they deserve.

Aaron Tan said...

i'm due for a medical check up soon also!!

Corinne said...

thx paladin :)

aaron: good luck :)