It's about 2.45pm now and i am feeling so sleepy. YaWnnnnnn.....
After last night's thrilling match, i think i can tolerate sitting here for another 2 hours and 15 minutes watching Paul Scholes's goal and the match-end celebration at YouTube over and over again.
To be honest, i was losing faith after the Chelsea match. I was so afraid of dissapointment that I dun't even feel like watching the match. BUT, all talk only lah... last nite, I forced myself to sleep early. Went to bed about 10pm but couldn't sleep. Frustrated, i got up and read a book until abt 12am. At 2am my eyes automatically pop open and i was thinking okay 45 mins more, dunt panic myself. Back to sleep. Around 2.45 some buddies sms-ed me asking me to wake up! Five minutes later, another 2 sms asking if i am awake already. OKAY I AM UP !! It's quite difficult to ignore the excitement on all the fan's hearts (and also my bloody loud sms ringtone).
Paul Scholes goal was fantastic. (photo below stolen from Aaron's blog)
After that, it was all pure anxiety watching Barca throwing attacks after attacks. And then there's the 6 minutes of injury time. It must be one of the longest 6 minutes of my life. And finally, the whistle blew and WE ARE IN THE FINALS !!!! WOOOO HOOOOOO !!! I dunt care who we meet. We will beat whoever.
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Manchester United 1 - Barcelona 0
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Moscow Here We Come !!!
We made it !!! Manchester United made it !!! We are in the Champions League final !!!!!
Thank You Paul Scholes, Thank You Sir Alex Ferguson, Thank You to the whole team !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will tell u more about the match tommorow....i need sleep - it's 5am and i gotta wake up in 2 hours for work....
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Tuesday, 29 April 2008
The Letter Part 2
Okay so i've submitted my resignation letter. Finally caught my boss at one of his "free" moments. It wasn't easy. He has been a really nice and understanding boss and he has always been there to support me.
The first words that came out when he saw the letter was
"I'm dissapointed"
Oh i feel so guilty. I mean yes, i've been ecstatic when i made the decision to leave. No longer do i have to face the bitch. C'mon, even he knows where the problem is. I am just not happy there.
And now he will not accept my resignation and has asked me to think it over. I can't do this man. My decision if of course final but somewhere in my soft heart, i feel guilty to leave him.
Blah. I hate this. Tommorow i'm just going to tell him my decision will stand.
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The Letter
i am still waiting to submit the letter. I hope he comes back soon. Need to sort this matter out asap.
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Sunday, 27 April 2008
The strategy that may make us lose the title
When i saw the lineup i already knew that they will have no chance to win the match but at least try to secure a draw. Unfortunately luck and chelsea the obviously better team won the match and i am so dissapointed :(
It is all Alex Ferguson's strategy. I know he wants to win the barca match very badly but this is a very risky gamble.
However, being a loyal United fan through and through, i will continue to cheer for them and although i do not want to be dissapointed, i will still watch the barca match. Hope the resting of our top players will help them to the Champions League Final and not to the loss of both cups.
I still respect Sir Alex Ferguson's decision no matter what. After all, he has won many titles, cups and trophies for MU. Let's wait and see.
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Friday, 25 April 2008
Calling all Manchester United fans
Make The Difference
United v Barcelona - 29 April 2008
Bring your scarves, flags and banners to the Barca game and help make Old Trafford a sea of red, white and black.
"If we do that, we have a big, big chance [of reaching the final]." - Sir Alex Ferguson
I can't be at Old Trafford in person but i will cheer for United at home with my jersey/scarf/flags/towels etc etc.....
However, FIRST we have to make the difference tommorow !
CHELSEA v MANCHESTER UNITED @ 1945 (Malaysian Time)
All Manchester United fans please wear ur jerseys/scarfs/towels/flags anywhere and let's cheer our team to the title !!!
WE WILL WIN IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's some chants for tommorow:
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on, on, on..
We're gonna win the league (again!)
We're gonna win the league (again!),
And now you're gonna believe us,
And now you're gonna believe us,
And now you're gonna believe us...
We're gonna win the league (again!)
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Labels: Manchester United, Sports
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
A song dedication to someone
i would like to dedicate this song to HER
muAhAhahaHAHAha !! i am so mean sometimes....
it's all ur fault paladin ! lol
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A Myvi's window got smashed
My poor collegue's car window got smashed !!
Look at this :
ummm....maybe not so clear, take a look at this :
And this :
Poor girl. She just bought the car less than 6 months ago. The possible explanation is it got hit by stones when those idiots was cutting the grass with that long noisy motor thing, whatever that is called. Or foul play.
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Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Klang Bak Kut Teh
Went to Klang this morning and tried the dry bak kut teh. It taste good but i still prefer the one with soup. Apparently there's only 2 places in Klang that serve this dry bak kut teh. Any klang ppl wanna verify this ?
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Monday, 21 April 2008
The Punch Card Machine
Every morning, when i drive to work, i have to drive like a mad road bully or else the time in my card turns red and some people will gleefully run into my boss's room and moan that Yes, Corinne is late again. It doesnt matter that you work till 6pm or 9pm. You have to come on time. You can't be 1 - 2 minutes late. Punctuality is very important. I'd like to know if it is so bloody important, what's with the delay in our salary ??! Isn't punctuality IMPORTANT ??!
You cannot imagine the panic i feel every morning when i turn out into the federal highway and see a long stretch of cars. When i reach the traffic lights at Western Digital and it is RED with a long queue, i panic again. I will keep looking at the clock on my car and praying the lights will turn green ASAP. If the police ever stop me, i will tell them to follow me to the office and let me punch in first before they issue me the summon. I know what you're thinking. Why can't i wake up earlier abit to go to work ? Sigh... The problem is every morning when i wake up, i think of my office environment and it just turns me off.
The politics, backstabbings and spies. Oh god, not another day filled with fake smiles and fake gratitude again.
See, this punch card thing is really stupid. Let me tell you that we do have an access card. In fact, not one access card. We have two. When you reach the front door, you have to use one card & pin to go in. When u reach upstairs, u have to swipe the other and key in another pin. Then you punch ur card.
Now who in their right mind uses a punch card in an IT company ? Are we working part time ? Do we have 50 staffs? We only have less than 10 people for god's sake. Didn't they know that all attendance time can be tracked with the access card instead of keying in one by one in an excel sheet ?
Ok, so this is the company's policy and being an employee, I respect their decision and will follow their policies and procedures.
But how i'd like to smash that stupid punch card machine to pieces especially when i am only 1 bloody minute late !!! And ohhhh my fingers are so itching to slap the big mouth !!!!
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My blog colours
My blog colours are all messed up.
I have forgotten how to change the chatbox colour.
Please bear with the changes for a bit.
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Sunday, 20 April 2008
A college visit, Movie & Match
This is going to be a rather long post (i think)
Early Friday morning, our salary was finally released. At least my boss kept his word. I didn't have time to bank in b4 12pm as I had a network site survey with Kolej Yayasan UEM located at Lembah Beringin (after Rawang). It was a long drive, abt 45 mins. The college is still new, lots of renovations going on and plenty of empty classrooms filled with wooden desk and chairs (like in our school time) After about 20 minutes of walking underneath the HOT SUN, i got bored and started snapping photos to distract myself from the heat.
First stop was the student's chalet. One chalet fits about 4 - 6 people. Here's how a typical chalet looks like:
There's this 2 funny signs which i took:
It says no males allowed in the female chalet. And then, there's this :
No females allowed. But see the next photo:
They live side by side. Now, how can the security guard be watching out for them when his guard house is located at the end of the corrridor which is about 1km long?
After about 1.5 hours of walking all around the campus, I was becoming moody. Hello, we are not talking about walking in 10 degrees celcius with nice cold breeze blowing. It's bloody 36 degrees !! THAT IS EXTREMELY HOT !! There's this too :
If u enlarge the photo, u can see those giant red ants all around the campus, waiting to bite u. I was wearing high heels with no covers. One wrong step and i'll be suffering from itch and pain for the rest of the day. No way !! i have a nice evening plan later. I pity those students hanging their clothes outside to dry. With so many ants around, they might just crawl un-noticed into one of their underwears.
Finally, 2.5 hours later, we wrap things up and what a relief to be inside my boss's car with full blast air cond. I'm not spoilt, occasionaly i like to sweat but with proper attire like shorts and sleeveless workout clothes. Not with my dress and high heels !
Anyway, i had to work late again, and by the time i leave the office it was all jammed up but i still manage to reach early and have a nice dinner with Sue & Angie. We then went to watch Definately, Maybe :
The storyline is good. A romance movie, so err the boys can skip it =P
The drinking plan was scrapped as my grandma called (again) requesting me to go back home. Actually i was kinda tired too with all the walking earlier.
Today (Saturday - coz im typing this at almost 4 in the morning) I woke up and bought my brunch. As usual i will either eat the delicious SS19 nasi lemak or pan mee. I had nasi lemak. Nice. After that watch abit of TV and went to take a nap. Feeling refreshed i decided to go for my long awaited massage. The massage was quite painful. Must be all the stress. Anyway i just love to hear the cracking sound. No, i am not into BDSM hahaha !
I went slightly crazy too, shopped a bit, bought more Manchester United stuffs to add to the other stuffs i already own. I bought some tops and dresses. I love shopping therapy !!
Another good weekend therapy is to watch MU win against Blackburn. Time to cheer !!
Unfortunately, the match filled me with anxiety. Blackburn scored first and we had to wait till almost the very last minute to get an equaliser. This Brad Friedel (the keeper) is like Super Plastic Man !!! He saved all the shots and even a goal on the line !! What the heck ??!! Luck was not with MU, but i'm still glad they got a point, thanks to Carlos Tevez's header. I am beginning to admire him.
Bring on Chelsea next week. We will win the title at the bridge.
Definately, NO MAYBE !!
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Monday, 14 April 2008
Thank God for Frente!
Frente - Let The Sun Shine In
Mommy told me something
A little kid should know
It's all about the devil
And I learned to hate him so
She said he causes trouble when you let him in your room
He'll never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom
So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Smilers never lose
And Frowners never win
So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in
When you are unhappy
The devil wears a grin
But oh he starts to run in
When the light comes prowling in
I know he'll be unhappy
Cause I'll never wear a frown
Maybe if we keep on smiling
He'll get tired of hanging 'round
If I forget to say my prayers
The devil jumps with glee
But he feels so awful awful
When he sees me on my knees
So if you feel of trouble
And you never seem to move
Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in
Suuuuun Shiiiiiine iiiiiin
Suuuuun Shiiiiiine iiiiiin
Mommy told me someting
A little kid should know
It's all about the devil
And i learned to hate him so
If I forget to say my prayers
The devil jumps with glee
But he feels so awful awful
When he sees me on my knees
So if you feel of trouble
And you never seem to move
Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in
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Another Paladin's work
I am too angry that i am already numb. All i wish is for a good night's sleep without any nightmares.
Thank You Paladin
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Manchester United 2 - Arsenal 1
The title is ours :)
Hail to ronaldo and owen hargreaves (my hubby)
When arsenal scored the first goal, i was like wtf, but i still have confidence that MU will win. My original prediction was 3 - 2 but 2 -1 is good enough. I knew that when Tevez came in we can win it. He is aggresive with tackles and a good player. I know that in my earlier posts i was criticising him but the more i see him play, the more i like him. He is a hardworking player.
I was really in a bad mood after Arsenal scored first. But soon enough we had a penalty and when Ronaldo had to re-take, I was again wtf ?! I thought okay thats it, my prediction about the win is gone but he scored !!!!! He should win the player of the year award. He is the best player at the EPL and yes we are gonna win the title !!!
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on, on, on...
We'll never die, we'll never die,
We'll never die, we'll never die,
We'll keep the Red flag flying high,
'Cos Man United will never die
We're United Supporters!
We're United supporters,
Loyal through and through,
Over and over,
We will follow you
We're gonna win the league (again!)
We're gonna win the league (again!),
And now you're gonna believe us,
And now you're gonna believe us,
And now you're gonna believe us...
We're gonna win the league (again!)
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Sunday, 13 April 2008
Home Cooked Western Dinner
Last night a kind friend cooked dinner and invited me over. I sent an msn to him earlier informing him that i am quite lazy to go out coz it was raining and i was gonna order pizza but he has already cooked my share !! Thankfully I went, i was WOWED !! I loved the chicken and potato salad. Can't say much abt the beans coz i only ate 1 - 2 (as u know i am a carnivor)
I dunt eat beef either, only Australian beef (yes, i am quite picky) and to see Elaine cutting the beef with the blood almost flowing out is umm...disturbing. I know what ur thinking there..... eating Sashimi is different OKAY ?!
Thanks for the effort JennWah, it's really nice. I am looking forward to your honey crab =)
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Saturday, 12 April 2008
Friday, 11 April 2008
Blood for Sale
The throbbing pain on my neck is always a tell tale sign that I am highly stressed. The first time I got it i thought it was because of too much time spent in front of my lappie, which was partially true coz i was spending 10 hours on proposals, quotes and network diagrams and when i go home, I log on to chat with my friends. However, over the years i noticed that whenever I am stressed, I get very little sleep, which doesn't help coz it will only magnify ur stress levels 10x. I learned to balance this with relaxation stuffs like yoga, squash, shopping, massages or simply gossiping with my girlfriends.
Why am i stressed ? Is it too much work? YES !!! There's so many all day meetings & loads to do. But you know what is the worse part - I HAVE YET TO RECEIVE MY MARCH SALARY !!!!! There's bills to pay and allowances to family. They have been pestering and planting negative thoughts on my mind.
"Why they havent pay you? Are they going bankrupt?"
"How can like that? It's already half month. Will they pay your April Salary together? How about your commision?"
"Why you so bad luck join this company? Better go look for another job lah, quickly go apply now"
I asked my collegues and apparently this delay is normal . They are already immuned to not getting their salary for 1 - 2 months. OH MY GOD !!! 1 - 2 mths !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to sell my blood. Any takers ?
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Monday, 7 April 2008
A love song
It's so nice to come back to this:
[06/04/2008 23:53:27] Martin C. ~Author of JoP~ says:
For Corinne:
Reminiscing the days when we first crossed path. It was more than fate
holding me back as you passed by. Everything comes to light.
Your fragrance in the air envelopes me girl.
I can't express the way I feel but I know you were sent from above
Oh dear angel look back on all that we've shared.
There's no point in wasting it now
Baby my feelings are so deep
I wish this goes beyond my wildest dream just as long as there is a hope
For our love will keep shining above when you're in my embrace,
hearts beat as one, when I kiss your lips
I still shiver some I'll make all of your dreams come true
Just say you'll stay and you'll never let go forever with you.
In good times we had laughs, sometimes share our tears
When in fear you come running to me taking long walks at night and in broad
Oh the sensational talks I will cherish
This is what people call true love and the kind everyone wishes for
Ooh can't you see all that a woman could want is right before your very eyes.
Let's love the world away a place I know called ecstasy.
Girl this is the place where we start just living life in enchantment.
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Saturday, 5 April 2008
Imprisoned at home
It's the weekend again. I love weekends. Weekends means match day, lots of gossiping & catch ups, drinking, food activities, movies & my most favourite - massages. Two whole stress-free days to release the muscle tension derived from the battlefield at 9-5.
Today I was suppose to go to PD with my colleagues, sort of a mini company trip and to be honest, I was not looking forward to it because first of all, its PD (dirty - i had a minor skin allergy the last time i slept in those apartments) , secondly, I've been having PMS the whole week (moody & highly stressed) and thirdly, there's some office politics going on (NORMAL in any office). i dunt fancy a weekend trying to watch over my back all the time. Someone once told me that when it comes to money, people's character will change drastically and it's true. Because of the evil money, some people will do or say anything to keep their back free from arrows. Which is why, I think it is god's fate that my period came last night so YAY !!! i have a valid excuse. I mean, how can i wear my bikini and have any kind of water activities ? I did hinted that I may not be able to go coz of my monthly thingy. It was suppose to come visiting on Tuesday but was delayed. I cannot control God's fate or when the egg died in my body.
So here i am, resting at home. It's only 5pm and i am quite bored. I feel like going out for drinks but damn the cramps. Don't feel sexy enough to flirt anyway. HEY, dunt give me that discriminative look and clicking ur tongue, single people are ENTITLED to flirt.
Oh wells, i guess ill juz watch my tvb series and maybe catch the arse v poo match (which will probably end in a boring draw) later.
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Thursday, 3 April 2008
The Journal of a Paladin
Since joining facebook, i have been addicted to this game - "warbook". I met many wonderful friends from all over the world while playing this game. My alliance is the Legion of honour
We have loads of fun in the skype chatroom, planning our strategies for any alliances stupid enough to war with us. It's kinda sad that warbook is going to end soon but we look forward to Return of the Infernals (ROTI) which is warbook part II, maybe with a new alliance name.
One of our fellow Malaysian member, Martin wrote a nice sweet story which he derived from our days in the alliance, edited by another alliance member, Michael Turoa. Here it is:
It's written in a medieval sort of language so it may be boring for some to read. Since I know every single member in the story, I find it well written and simply marvellous. I hope Martin continues to write for ROTI.
P/s: i am Lady Saxy
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Wednesday, 2 April 2008
My knee injury
This is how my knee look like one week after the squash injury. Looks horrible doesn't it ? Whenever i look at it, I reminisce about my childhood. You know how when ur a kid, ur always falling down on tar road and having wounds like this. Then, a few days later when u go out to play games like "police & thief", u will fall down at exactly the same spot making the wounds even worse & sometimes filled with pus. That was what happened to me. No lah, i didn't play "police & thieft" but i was being so very careful trying not to hurt my wounds that i trip on the office stairs and BAM! direct hit on my injuries.
However instead of screaming with pain, I was actually laughing remembering my childhood friends and the fun we used to have. My collegues were asking if I hit my head during the fall. But yeah, its funny that a thing like this can happen after so many years. Anyway the wounds are healing fine and right now I am itching to peel off the black layer. First of all, I will peel off bit by bit at the side then slowly move to the center... Now, isn't that the fun part of falling down ? he he...
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Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Happy April's Fool Day
I can't believe i actually got tricked today thanks to Mr Wan Cheng Huat. He messaged me on MSN and told me that our Prime Minister has just resigned. I actually believed him !! Coincidently, my boss was walking pass and I told him the news.
A few minutes later, Mr Wan told me that i can get the latest news from:
Bugger !! Me & boss was already excitedly browsing through Malaysia Today to read the news.
Luckily my boss thought it was a good joke and proceeded to sms it some of his friends.
Happy April's Fool Day =)
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