While showering, my hair untwist itself and i was trying to hold it back up with one hand, the other holding the shower hose when some of the water sprayed and went inside my ear. A freak accident.
I had to bear with the ear block for one whole day. Sometimes I hear "whooshing" sounds. I tried all methods. Jumping. Hitting my other right ear with my left tilt down. Someone suggested hair dryer but I dunt' have one in the office or I would have tried that too.
It's annoying ! Worse than having flu. I can't hear properly and I feel like I am shouting everytime I talk.
At the end of work day, I couldn't stand it. I was starting to feel dizzy. I went to a nearby clinic and ask them to help me flush the water out. Doc check and said got infection d. He prescribed some flu and anti-inflammatory med and after taking it, I went to bed. Now i am awake coz the flu med is too strong and I'm feeling "high". But at least my ears are not blocked anymore.
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Water in my Ear
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Tuesday, 17 June 2008
The Gym Part II
I was not happy with the restrictions on my membership. I mean, what if some weeks, I am not free on Mon and I want to go on Tues ? The previous girl told me that we can't change the days. We choose on application and if we want to change from Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun to Tues, Thurs, Sat, we have to pay RM 99 processing fee.
So, I called up the original consultant and met up with him last night.
I ended up with a Platinum package (can visit any branch), can visit the gym daily and only pay rm99 for 15 months. Plus, he gave me a free gym & shoe bag.
Now i am HAPPY =)
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Thursday, 12 June 2008
The Gym Part 1
I've joined California Fitness !
With all the food I've been eating since last Monday, I thought I better join a gym.
I've already been warned by many people that they will try to sign u on the highest package. The consultant I am supposed to see was sick so they assigned Miss Nice Salesgirl to show me around. Then they did a Body Composition Analysis on me and I found out that my arms are "weak"plus I have a fitness score of 71% which is considered "GOOD" but not "Excellent". I also have 28.8% of fats in my body which is OVER THE NORMAL distribution. So yeah, I need to do lots of stretching and dunno what type of training lah (forgot d)
Anyway, she quoted me rm192 per month for the Platinum Package where I can also exercise at their other branches. Wow, that's way too expensive!! I dun't need to go other branches. It will be a miracle if I can make it 3 times a week to this current branch.
She then offered to reduce to rm160 per month but have to pay joining & processing fee. I called my colleagues and they told me not to sign up coz that's expensive and they're suppose to have a corporate rate for us. So i told Miss Nice Salesgirl I am not joining and she said :
"If you dun't join today, the price will increase the next time you come in"
I replied:
"You already said got promotions every month wot, who knows maybe next month u all decrease to rm60 per mth??! "
She say there wont be any gyms offering such a low price, bla bla bla....
I told her NO. I will come back another time.
Abit desperate, she told me: "Ok lah, I give u this very special "student" discount. No joining or processing fee. Just pay RM129 per month, but the catch is you can only go on Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun or Tues, Thurs & Sat"
I was thinking that I won't go the the gym everyday so why not ? I signed up. I asked for the free bag but she refused saying it's only for their long term customers. The only thing I got was a water bottle. Lucky she gave me red color.
So here I go. From 1 July, I'm gonna work out and burn those fats !
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Monday, 9 June 2008
My Thoughts on Cristiano Ronaldo
Speculation has been rife over the winger's future with quotes attributed to him claiming he wants to join Real Madrid.
After helping Portugal to a 2-0 victory over Turkey in their opening game at Euro 2008, Ronaldo again reiterated his desire not to discuss his future until after the tournament.
"I haven't decided yet about my future," he insisted. "I'll only do that after the European Championships are over."
I'm getting kinda sick of reading this ronaldo leaving or staying news.
First there was Heinze who wanted to join Liverpool (of all teams ??! ) and now another one.
If he wants to leave, just go. Leave now !!! Ask Real Madrid to fax a copy of his new contract for him to sign and kindly deposit the sales $$$ to MU.
MU don't need this kind of player. From the time he pushed Rooney (yep, i've not forgiven him), we can see what kind of person he is. Actually come to think of it, from the time he wore the no 7 jersey, I've not liked him. He took Beck's number !! Let's groom another no 7 legend. This one, better sell off quickly. Portugese - Big headed & big mouth (like Mourinho). GO QUICKLY !
Such disloyalty.
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Sunday, 8 June 2008
Ipoh Trip
Went to Ipoh last weekend for a food trip. We started out early, about 9am and reached there at 11.30am. First stop was of course the famous Ipoh Hor Fun.
I've never tasted squid & kangkung with peanut sauce. It's YUMMY !
The famous Ipoh Hor fun:
Ordered Satay and this chicken spare part. I don't know what it was, didn't touch it. I think it's liver?
After this heavy breakfast/lunch, we check-in to our hotel, went sight seeing abit and visit one of our friend's family. They then had beef noodle and it's back to the hotel again for some relaxation and drinking games. What's a trip without drinks rite? We were suppose to visit one of the local bars but ended up at the hotel playing this:
Next morning, I woke up with a very bad sore throat and slight fever. I didn't join them for dim sum. From the looks of this it must have tasted good:
After breakfast, we packed and check out. Time for the famous Curry Mee! This is my favourite. Although my throat was on the verge of bursting, I took loads of fisherman's and had this dry curry mee noodle (minus the bean sprout)
This is the soup-based one. Some of them had this. The soup is so different from those in KL.
Sweet custard. Didn't eat this. Already too full.
Before we depart back to KL, we went to Oldtown for their famous coffee. As you know, I've already quit coffee 2 months ago but I took a few sips.
Another fun food trip. I'd drive to Ipoh now for a bowl of Curry Mee !
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Saturday, 7 June 2008
I lost weight ??!
Yesterday I had 6 glasses of Kilkenny, some Heinekens, Fried Kuey Teow for dinner & some salamis for supper.
This morning I had Ipoh Hor wan with prawn wantan & lots of chicken. After shower, I weigh myself. I lost 1kg ???????
I checked my weighing machine wondering if someone messed with it. Maybe my grandma accidently adjusted the pointer while cleaning it. (She wipes everything even though they're CLEAN !! ) However, there was no signs of sabotage.
Where did all the food go?
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Friday, 6 June 2008
My Food Schedule
Let me summarise what I have been eating/drinking during my first working week.
Milo Ais + Egg Sandwich for breakfast, Wan Tan Mee for lunch, Toasted bread & Milo Ais for tea.
Nandos Chicken with Potato Salad & Fries & a cup of COKE
Nasi Lemak & Milo Ais for Breakfast, Melaka Chicken Ball Rice with Black bean Soup for Lunch. Milo Ais again for tea. Coke & 100 plus while waiting for customer.
Cookies & 2 cups of teh tarik for breakfast. Nasi Lemak for coffee break b4 lunch time.
Penang Curry laksa at newly opened outlet at 1U for lunch.
Fried meehoon with egg & Milo Panas for breakfast. Lunch was a bun with lots of butter, Chicken soup, Lamb Chop with Fries & Cheesecake + 2 cups of teh tarik.
OK I NEED TO SIGN UP TO A GYM ASAP. The problem now is, True Fitness @ USJ or California Fitness @ Pyramid ???
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Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Increase of Petrol Price
I am fuming. Not because our PM announced that our petrol price will be increased to 2.77 per litre. It's because of the long bloody queue at each petrol station in the entire PJ area. C'mon you people. I am sure most of you do not have a bloody empty tank. BUT I DO !!!
Is it not enough that there's floods everywhere in PJ today causing a massive jam all over? Where do you guys find the patience to wait again? Gimme a break. I have an almost empty tank and I have an early event to attend tommorow. I can't even make a single wrong turn near any of the stations. God knows how long I will be stuck there.
I really can't believe how KIASU people have become. Yes, I know it's a hell lot of increase but really! You can only save like half or one tank. What will you do after midnight ? Don't use the car anymore?
Now i have to wake up one hour earlier tommorow just to feed my car. %$#@ !!
And you know what, everything else will increase after tommorow. Food & drinks & air tickets & etc etc. Why dun't you people go stock up quickly at Carrefour or Tesco too ??
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Monday, 2 June 2008
First Day @ Work
As usual, the first thing was the introduction to the other staffs, half of which I can't remember their names. I'm sorry, there's just too many of you. I found out that I have a "mentor" which is suppose to help and welcome me and also treat me to some free breakfast/lunch. Btw, all my breakfast, lunch & tea today was paid for by my boss who also paid for my first month parking fee. He says it's his way to treat his staff on her first day.
Next week there is suppose to be an "orientation" to welcome all the newbies in the company. Plus, our faces and details are posted on the bulletin board for everyone to see. I've never been made to feel so "welcome" in any of the companies I've previously worked with. It's kinda nice.
The only slight hitch is my workstation is located right in the middle of the open office concept, with my immediate boss next to me and people surrounding me. For the first time in my entire professional life, I have not surfed all my favourite sites, no Manutd.com, no Soccernet, no Lelong, no Youtube, no Blog & no FACEBOOK !!
Even when I check my personal email, I juz skim through the important ones. I downloaded Windows Messanger but I was too afraid to chat so I had to do it discreetly and chose to chat only to my Canadian friend and my uni mate, Sue.
These people are serious at their work, which is a good thing. They do not fool around during office hours but they will relax and chat during lunch time and after office hours.
I kinda like it. Of course, the first 1 - 2 weeks is always the "honeymoon" period. After that, I will need to show the numbers or else I am dead. But so far so good.
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Sunday, 1 June 2008
A new beginning
How time flies. It's already the 2nd half of 2008.
Tommorow will be a new beginning for me in terms of my career. I have finally left the bitch but they still owe me my commision. I am wondering if i will ever get it ? The delays & all the excuses pisses me off but what can i do except to vent it all out here ? If they refuse to write me the cheque I can't force them to. I mean, I dun't have a gun =p
Anyway let the past be in the past. I do not hold a grudge on them. After all, it's only a job and I can and have left them behind me.
I look forward to my new company. Lots of new things to explore and a whole new different office culture. Let's see how this works out.
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