Manchester United 4 - Middlesborough 1
It's so nice to see the United's standings on the EPL table now although we are only there for 24 hours.
It was a thrilling match from the start.
Nani's goal. What can I say except WOW ? We'd really like to see more goals like that in the matches to come. I just hope he won't be put in the cold freezer for his elaborated celebration.
Our two small sized striker, getting better with every game. Rooney has been scoring consistenly in the last few matches and I'm glad Tevez is scoring goals to boost up his confidence.
Hargreaves was back from injury and I really like his style of playing. His aggresiveness in getting the ball back and tackles was a joy to watch. It's been some time since we saw this kind of display, not since the days of Roy Keane.
Ronaldo was abit quiet last night. Probably tired?
Anderson fitted in well, Pique had a late run replacing Ferdinand.
Overall, it looks like all our new signings are fitting well into the team.
I look forward to next weekend's showdown against Arsenal.
Top two teams, both playing so well. It will be a great match.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Manchester United go top
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Saturday, 27 October 2007
My dog is not GAY
In response to Tim's comments on my cats posting, I would like to stress that MY DOG IS NOT GAY !! At that time, he was still young lah. A few years after the incident, my ex's sister brought a box of kittens (abandoned) home and he had a marvelous time trying to get them out of the box by playfully gnawing their ears =)
He also has a gf he constantly visit and talk to whenever I bring him out for walks. It was a cute small brown maltese.
One time during the CNY period, he got pissed off with all the noise pollution from my aunties & uncles so he went out partying the whole night and met some female friends. Probably had a one night stand with some of them too.
Here's my charming dog @ 5 years old. He was not smiling coz it was taken right after his bath. He hates being clean.
Unfortunately he was dog-napped when he was 7 years old. I no longer have him with me.
Actually I can't be sure if he was dog-napped but I would prefer to think that way. Better than imagining him in an accident or shot by DBKL or worse, cooked by those "foreign" workers who was working at a nearby construction site.
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I dont like cats. Especially black ones. There's a myth that if you see a black cat it's bad luck.
I don't find them friendly or loyal at all. They roam around day and night, where is the relationship bonding with their owners? You can't take them out for walks either, they like to climb things. Show offs...!! I think they're lazy, arrogant, proud & sort of evil. It's the look they have on their face, you know what i mean ?
There was this incident which heighten my dislike for them. I brought my puppy (he was 3 mths old) to the playground for a walk and let him have a free rein. 10 minutes later I saw him running back to me and there was this cat chasing after him. What the.....??! He was still loyal and brave enough to stand in front of me apparently trying to protect me but this cat was so much bigger size and kept hissing at my poor puppy who must be wondering why his "friend" makes funny noises. That time my puppy's bark was like a mouse , soft and high-pitched. I guess it didn't have any impact on her at all (Maybe she thought my puppy was a white cat)
Anyway, I tried to "shoo" the cat away but she was not afraid of me either. She kept wanting to claw at us and all the time hissing. WE KENA BULLIED !! In the end i had to throw a stone, not at her, but aiming at her direction to scare her away. She was pregnant lah, otherwise I would have thrown it directly at her.
Last nite, i was going up to bed when I heard some scratching noise outside. I turn on the lights and to my annoyance I saw this:
The nerve of that cat. Just lying on top of my car happily licking and "showering" itself. We stared at each other for a full 10 seconds. It continued to lie there and only went away SLOWLY after I threaten to go outside (just jingle the house keys abit).
See how arrogant and proud they are?
p/s: i dunt like kittens either but i'm ok with tigers & lions :)
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Friday, 26 October 2007
Champions League Result
This week Champion's League matches produced some amazing result.
Ferdinand scoring again ? wow....!! he's on a roll and so is rooney & ronaldo....
i didn't watch the match and i still haven't check out Youtube to see the goals, abit bz these few days.
Arsenal gunned down Slavia Prague 7 - 0 .... whoa.... I wonder if they can get a similiar scoreline against Liverpool this weekend ? I am looking forward to the match.
The best news is Liverpool is almost out of the Champions League with one point from 3 matches. We can now stop hearing chants of "we are the best team in England & Europe with 5 European cups" for the next few days. As usual, they are unusually busy :D
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Labels: Manchester United, Sports
Monday, 22 October 2007
Kimi Räikkönen is the CHAMPION
Kimi wins the F1 World Drivers' Championship !!
Who would have thought it possible besides the fans who keep assuring themselves that luck will be with Kimi on Sunday. It really happened!
I guess Hamilton lost coz his team mate Alonso was so eager to win himself that they nearly crashed into each other. Perhaps this show of unfriendliness caused Hamilton some shock that he lost concentration temporarily thereby causing his car a near engine failure and forcing him down to 18th position.
Massa was really sporting in the beginning to try and block Hamilton and let Kimi through. Even though they make it look like a pit stop strategy but we all know that with Massa up front, Kimi will obviously end up winning the race as he is fighting for the title.
I was beside myself during the race. Luckily I have Cheng Huat & Kian Ming on MSN. I keep asking them to calculate the points and we were all anxiously watching Hamilton's progress up the field.
In the end, it is a Ferarri 1 - 2., Hamilton let the title slip from his hands and Kimi is the World Champion.
Congratulations once again to the gorgeous Kimi Raikkonen :)
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15 more laps and Kimi is leading
cmon kimi i am still rooting for u
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Sunday, 21 October 2007
Aston Villa 1 - Manchester United 4
Goals by Rooney (2), Ferdinand, Giggs
What a wonderful midfield display ! For the first time this season I found nothing bad to say about Tevez, he was brilliant ! They are working well together. I particularly like those nice little 1 - 2 touches by Nani, Tevez, Giggs, Rooney & Scholes.
Rooney continued where he left with England. Too bad he didn't get his hattrick but he should save some energy for the Gunner's game in 2 weeks time. It will be a great game to watch, 2 teams playing so well.
The best thing about this match is it helped me win some $ !!! My first win with MU this season! I seldom bet on MU coz it's too emotional lah, imagine you see them losing and you urself lose money but sometimes emotions do get the best of me and even though i know they won't win I am still stubborn enough to place bets on them. A perfect example will be the MU v Milan match in last season's Champion's League. I didn't want to wake up at 3am to see them losing but this small, tiny, little hope candle was alight in my heart and I ended up watching the entire match, hoping till the final whistle that they can produce the miracle of 1999. Not only I lost my precious sleep, i lost $ (double whammed!) but all these can't be compared to the poo fans taunts:
"ha ha ha, champions in the domestic league but a mouse in europe"
(whatever the mouse means, no mood to decipher the meaning)
"let liverpool show you how to play at europe lah. We are after all the 5 times WINNERS"
(yeah, got thrashed by Milan didnt they? )
"You think ur team is like us, can comeback like we did at Istanbul ? It will be a repeat of Istanbul ! We will be the WINNER. Your MU can take the cheap league title, the europe cup is more important, more prestigious more bla bla bla"
(If i have to hear the ISTANBUL word again .......!)
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Labels: Manchester United, Sports
Thursday, 18 October 2007
Over Indulgence
Finally, some quiet time to myself.
Let's recap my Raya celebration...
On Saturday, I wanted to go for a much needed massage (my shoulder is still killing me) but in the end i went window shopping trying to decide which camera & phone i should buy. Nope, I didn't go to The Gardens as planned, too lazy to drive so far on a holiday. Ha ha, yeah i admit, i am a lazy person. Later i spent the night drinking wine & whiskey at my friend's house. It's the holidays! What better way to spend it than drinking ourselves to the seventh heaven ? :D
One of the highlight that night was England winning 3 - 0 against Estonia and our ROO boy scored !
Way to go ROONEY !
Sunday, i played pool at TTDI and later dragged my "heng tai" out to Velvet. We didn't know there was a Raya Mambo thingy going on. No wonder that place was so packed. The music was good though, i drank quite a bit but managed to find my way home at 5am.
Monday i slept till late and was wondering whether i should exercise myself to exhaustion so that I can sleep early. Have to work the next day.....
I ended up having wine & cheese & sausages at a friend's new condo & slept at 4am.
You can imagine the state i was in the next day. Thank God i drank a glass of Vitamin C before sleeping, dunno if it's psychology or what, I found some hidden energy that help me last till 5pm. My collegues were all having headaches and dizzy spells. Some partied too much, some over slept. My boss also ponteng lah. He went out in the afternoon and never came back.
When I reached home, I was nearly dying. Ha ha ha. Too much partying. Old already, my body cannot be subjected to 4 days of drinking in a row. Anyway, i had early bed rest for the past 2 days. Yesterday i had a slight fever and throat infection so being the kiasu chinese girl I downed a couple of chinese herbal cooling tea and took some Panadols.
This morning my collegue asked if i got cry last night.
C: (looking blur) huh ??? Cry??
D: England lah.
C: WHAT ??? THEY LOST ???!!!!! &^%%$#@!!!!!
i was so confident that they will win that i didn't bother to watch the match. Actually i didn't know they were playing at thought they were gonna play at 3am and I can't afford another late night with the fever...
When will they learn ?? When will they sack Mclaren ?? What if England dunt make it to Euro ??? WHat is EURO 2008 without ENGLAND i ask u ??? &^%%*(%$#@!!!!
better turn our attention to the exciting F1 weekend than to dwell on stupid coaching tactics.
I will be rooting for KIMI of course. i know it's quite impossible that he will win the title but perhaps Massa will accidently ram into Hamilton's car and perhaps Alonso's Mclaren will suddenly run out of petrol....hehehehe..........
Good luck KIMI !! :D
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Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Cookie's Teasers
Another 2.5 hours to go @ work.
A blurrish kinda day as im still recovering from the long weekend's indulgance.
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Saturday, 13 October 2007
Yesterday i was suppose to have lunch with some of my favourite friends at the newly opened Jaya 33. I was looking forward to it as I have been "jailed" in the office from 8.30 to 1700 for the past two weeks, except to go out for some appointments with customers. There's simply no chance to slip out for any coffee breaks to catch up on the latest gossips.
Around 9.30, while i was making my morning coffee at the pantry, my boss came up to me and asked me to follow them to Port Klang for a meeting with our Titanic customer. OK lah, i thought we can still make it back by 1300, i'll just be a bit late. I am quite excited to go for the meeting since I've never been on a real Titanic before. If I'm lucky, i might have a tour and meet some cute sailors.....
The meeting ended around 1215 and i happily sms my frens informing them i'll most probably arrive at 1315. Five minutes later while in the car, my boss asked us if we would like to have lunch at Teluk Gong. Aiseh..... how to tell him i have a personal lunch appointment? My collegues was there too and they have not been to Teluk Gong for seafood, I dun't think it's nice to deprived them of this luxurious lunch privilege, so I sms my frens again to cancel and is now known as the FFK (FONG FEI KEI) Queen....hahaha....
Anyway, I did have a good time at the customer's place. There was no tour but I saw a few gweilo pilots walking around and a small titanic parked at the dock? or port ? What terms do u use ?
I stole a picture of it from the window:
Not very clear but u can still catch a glimpse of the ship
It's overall another pleasant week and I have the long weekend to look forward since it's the RAYA holidays. Time to catch up on some sleep and tv.
*Selamat Hari Raya to all my Muslim friends*
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Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Why Mandarin ? (Updated)
Strangers that I meet like to talk to me in Mandarin. They always assume that i can speak it. Like today, i went to a grocery shop near my house to buy a loaf of bread, the boss who has known me since i was 13 suddenly spoke to me in Mandarin. When i asnwered in Cantonese, he look quite pissed off, maybe coz i was suppose to reply in Mandarin ?
Do i have a chinese-educated type of look or do i look like i'm from China or issit because of my dressing? Or what ....???? I am actually quite stumped. This has happen to me for like ages....
Hmmm.....maybe people just assume that Chinese are suppose to know Mandarin...
Nah, i don't think it's that.....
There was once when I was in a chinese restaurant with a group of friends, and the lady taking our orders was happily conversing in Cantonese with my friends but when she turn to me, she started ching chong ching chong in mandarin. Oiiiii................ !! WHY ???
Can anyone please enlighten me ??? I don't want to piss people off lah....
They probably think that I am not proud that my ancestors are from China (err...i think they are from there) or I want to act high-class and answer in English.
Is it my hairstyle ?? Should i change it ?
I am not annoyed at all at being perceived in this way. In fact, I am quite amused and at the same time, baffled.
I agree that it is a huge advantage to be able to read/write/speak Mandarin. If i had known the language, I wouldn't have missed out on a few job opportunities that would have taken me to HK/China/Shanghai (all expenses paid somemore - sigh...bummer...)
Perhaps like blue commented, it's time to take up Mandarin lessons. Any good tutor to recommend?
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Monday, 8 October 2007
My Wish
When i was in primary school, I made some friends with people who lives at SS2, SS3, SS4, etc etc.
I thought that street name is so cool (i know, i know - hey, i was 7 yrs old lah) and i wished silently that one day i will have a chance to stay at a place with an "SS" street name. One day, my mum told me that we will be moving to Subang Jaya so YAY!! i will be staying at an "SS" street name and I happily wrote to all my pen pals informing them my new address.
When i was 17, I decided to enrol in Systematic College to study LCCI and come out to work as an Accounts Clerk after one year and proceed to become an Accountant while studying ACCA Really - What was I thinking ?? Well, my mum didnt approve my first choice of becoming a Veterinarian .........
Anyway, all my secondary school friends went to either Sunway or Taylors College and will further their studies abroad. I wish I can go too but I didn't want to burden my mum. One day, in the middle of my course, she called me (she was working at Johor that time) and after a long career chit chat, she gave me permission to enrol at Metropolitan College's twinning program with Curtin so YAY!! i get to go to Australia.
After completing my degree, I decided I want to join the IT industry coz its like so cool and hyped ( i know - what crap lah) and I got my wish when a customer ( i was working part time at a pub) offered me a job at his company.
Then there was this David Beckham mania, i was obsessed with him (I still like him) My room was full of his posters and how I wished i can meet him in real life and lo behold ! Manchester United decides to tour Asia and I met him from afar at the Shah Alam Stadium. A few years later, he came to the Cheras Badminton Hall for a promotional tour for his new team (Real Madrid) and i met him again (closer this time).
Seems like all that i wished for ALWAYS come true hey ???
I now WISH for a husband that looks like this:
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Sunday, 7 October 2007
Kimi wins in Shanghai
Congratulations Kimi !!
The title is now thrown open.
I will be rooting for you to win the Brazilian Grand Prix...
looking very very good on the podium although a bit tired but still very very handsome....
i like the way you try to flatten ur spiky blonde hair :D
(as if kimi comes and read this blog)
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Manchester United 4 - Wigan 0
Didn't waste a single-minute-of-my-sneaking-out-time from a wedding dinner to watch the match.
*keke* ShhhHHHHhh...!! It was a boring dinner lah.... i dunno the couple at all, i juz went coz my friend wanted some company, perhaps he didnt want ppl to ask when's his turn and all the usual questions other couples feel they need to ask because they are so blissfully happy in a relationship and think it's a crime to be single....
OKAY....umm.... a lil carried away post will be about that...(maybe)
To be honest i thought they were heading for another one-nil win especially with the injuries to Vidic & O'Shea but Pique & Simpson were brilliant. Nice goals from Tevez, Ronaldo (2) + Rooney.
I'm so glad the momentum's back. I hope Vidic's injury not that serious but on the bright side, we have a 2 weeks break from the EPL so by that time, hopefully MY handsome Hargreaves will be back to score his first goal for United. I will be waiting patiently.
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Saturday, 6 October 2007
The week that was
I'm still enjoying my "work-less" Saturday today. I got up at 9am, slept back till about 1130 then went out to buy my breakfast/lunch and watched another 2 episodes of "The brink of law"
It's currently raining cats & dogs here - PERFECT !
I will enjoy my afternoon nap in a bit :D
This week marks the start of my new job, there's loads of changes to get use to. I now work from 0830 to 1700 and i realise the morning traffic is worse when u leave the house earlier. But it's alright, coz i dunt get stuck at the evening traffic. I'll probably start my yoga classes again the week after next. Previously i have to slog till like 1900 (sometimes later) and that leaves me with little time to get to Hartamas Yogazone. By the time i reach there, i can only join one class. I'd much prefer to go for 2 classes in one go.
I've also been sitting at the office learning the new products, getting to know my new collegues. It's quite boring to sit in front of the computer for such long hours. How do the admin/accounts people do it ? It makes me so sleepy that I downed 2 cups of coffee each day. I'm also a little hesitant to engage my new collegues in long chit chats in case they got things to do. On my first day, i actually didn't speak after lunch, abit of a culture shock there.
But so far so good.
Here's the result of the Champions League match that was played on Wednesday. I didn't watch it but I'm glad they won and i heard Rooney scored a wonderful goal, which i have yet to check out from Youtube.
The only thing that didnt change from my usual weekly schedule was the squash session on Thursday. It was great and my left thigh felt OK, the pain's gone.
I feel more relaxed, of course the pressure of work will not kick in so fast, probably in another 3 weeks, but it's so nice to have so much spare time.
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Cookie's teasers
I've juz finished watching a tvb drama - The brink of law, it's so addictive. I'm up to episode 4 and you know what's the best thing ? I dunt have to work tommorow and any Saturdays anymore......woooooooooo hoooooooo..........
update more tommorow....wanna ZzzZzzz now...
btw i know Sats are usually for surfing net... happy working Aaron !!! kah kah kah....
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Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Hunger Anger
Do you feel angry or impatient when ur hungry ?
I notice that during this fasting month, tempers flare easily.
The roads are terrifying. There's an accident almost every other day. There's also an increase in road bullies. I've encounter some who can't wait to get home that they tailgate you or won't let you to their lane even after you have flashed them the signal and because of this i'm forced to detour.
I also saw a road bully running after 2 guys trying to punch them just outside the 2nd entrance to Subang and because I was busy-bodying looking, i nearly got into an accident myself...
Thank god this road nightmare will end next week.
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