I login today and realise that my blog is turning into a Manchester United's weekly results blog....Whooops....
Ok lah, time to bring it back to a more personal level.
Let's start with home no longer sweet home. A relative has come to live with us, he is abit sick and has to stay home from now on. Taking care of him is definately not easy as he has a mental problem as well, caused by falling from a lorry when he was young. I suppose this responsibility is taking its toll on everyone so it's not very cheerful at home. It doesn't help that my grandma is more dramatic than usual but well, there's no use complaining coz we have to get use to it. Yes, my personal space has definately been invaded but thank god for wireless technology that enables me to escape to my room =)
On another note, one of my good friend is getting married this weekend, Congratulations to Michelle & John. To Michelle, we will try to make it as sweet as possible for you and to John, I really pray that you have some good "brothers" with you for the morning session.
If any of you watch local tv, please vote for Raj, one of the contestant for the ntv7's show "Love Perhaps" or "Perhaps Love".... whatever lah. You can watch catch up episodes at http://www.ntv7.com.my/ & please vote for Raj every Saturday from 10pm. More info can be found on the website (i think) Personally I find the show abit boring, I only watched 2 episodes of it online yesterday. All talk talk and no action. But please vote for Raj, he is a nice guy and VERY desperate to win. HA HA HA !
Please go watch "Enchanted" too, especially if ur the type who has forgotten how "love" feels like. I guess the guys will hate the movie but to all the girls, please watch it. It helps you to believe in love again =)
I'll update again after the wedding.
Friday, 21 December 2007
Few days before Christmas....
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Monday, 17 December 2007
A good football weekend
Liverpool 0 - Manchester United 1 (Tevez)
It was a highly charged atmosphere at Anfield. Liverpool's tactics were all out aggresive attacks fast paced. To give them some teeny credit, they did looked very capable of scoring for the first 45 mins.
Luckily for us, Ferdinand & Vidic was in top form. I thought Evra & Anderson played exceptionally well, i can't judge who is better. Both managed to stop most of liverpool's attacks, and both of them saved Edwin Van de Sar's blushes by stopping a goal each from the goal line.
Hargreaves didnt really have a good game, but perhaps it was because Anderson was doing the job so superbly well that it overshadowed Hargo. Frontline was okay, the goal was clever play. Ryan Giggs's corner to Rooney out of the box caused chaos in Liverpool's defence. It reminds me of the Eric Cantona goal at the FA Cup Final in the 90s but of course this one needed Tevez's touch.
I didnt even realise that torres was still playing in the 2nd half. He was so quiet. Well, he picked the losing team, juz like kewell :D
The icing didn't come as Arsenal won against Chelsea. Let's see if we can stop them at Old Trafford.
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Labels: Manchester United, Sports
Monday, 10 December 2007
Another good thing about December
Tommorow's a Public Holiday for Selangor. It's the Sultan of Selangor birthday.
WooHoOOo.... !!! No need to wake up at 7am. No need to go to work. No need to pretend i'm answering important emails or working on some tough quotations when i'm actually playing facebook. No need to pretend I'm looking for potential customers in the newspaper when i am actually checking out the sports & entertainment section :D
Another best thing is, it's been raining since 6pm. Ahhh, such a nice weather to sleep. I hope the rain continues till tommorow 10am. Sorry to all working-in-KL folks. I just like listening to rain drops on my roof & waking up early to the wet morning knowing that i dun't have to work :D
I realised today that I only have to work 4 days a week for the next 3 weeks. There's a public holiday next thursday, then it will be the Christmas holiday on the 25th and New Year on the 1st. And this is why, December has and alwiz will be my most favourite month of the year :D
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Sunday, 9 December 2007
Manchester United 4 - Derby 1
Giggs (40)
Tevez (45, 60)
Ronaldo (pen 90)
A good football weekend for all United fans coz Arsenal lost 1 - 2 to Boro (ha ha) and Liverpool lost 1 -3 to Reading (ha ha ha ha ha ). We are only 1 point behind Arsenal now :D
Next up Liverpool v Manchester United at Anfield. I can't wait.
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Tuesday, 4 December 2007
And the brawl continues.....
Jason's msn status message: Theatre of Dreams/Impossible is Nothing
CookiE® says: u know hor
CookiE® says: impossible is nothing is adidas
Jason™ United We Stand says: ya i know
CookiE® says: Liverpool is Adidas
CookiE® says: MU is NIKE
CookiE® says: traitor !!!!
Jason™ United We Stand says: oh wait
Jason™ United We Stand says: did u know beckham is adidas???
CookiE® says: of corz i know
CookiE® says: but becks no more at MU
Jason™ United We Stand says: i support adidas not liverfool k
Jason™ United We Stand says: i like the shoessssssssss
Jason™ United We Stand says: lebih just wanna shoot me
Jason™ United We Stand says: : P
Jason™ United We Stand says: go away
CookiE® says: arsenal is adidas also...
Jason™ United We Stand says: arsenal is NIKE!
CookiE® says: oh shit... yah forgotten...lolzz...
Jason™ United We Stand says: go check ur eyes
CookiE® says: so liverFOOL is adidas
CookiE® says: i know deep down u are the POO supporter !!!!
CookiE® says: YIKES !!!
Jason™ United We Stand says: eh go sleep
Jason™ United We Stand says: pls dont disturb
Jason™ United We Stand says: watever
Jason™ United We Stand says: not listening
CookiE® says: wakkakaz
CookiE® says: pui ! pui ! addidas !!
Jason™ United We Stand says: geez..
Jason™ United We Stand says: haha
Jason™ United We Stand says: teruk!
CookiE® says: u woke up & watch the wrong team !!!!
Jason™ United We Stand says: bully me
Jason™ United We Stand says: PLEASE LARRR
CookiE® says: wakkakazzz..
Jason™ United We Stand says: hahahaha idiot!
CookiE® says: ok sleep now
CookiE® says: BYE
Jason™ United We Stand says: hope u have nitemare!
Jason™ United We Stand says: dream of liverfool
Jason™ United We Stand says: kissing gerrad
Jason™ United We Stand says: HAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHA
CookiE® says: dowan...!!! i hate sissies !! PUI !!!!
CookiE® says: YUCKS !!!!
Jason™ United We Stand says: wakakaka
Jason™ United We Stand says: dai sei
Jason™ United We Stand says: cheng kao me lar
CookiE® says: i will b dreaming of my beckham or hargreaves OKAY....
CookiE® says: BYE lah
Jason™ United We Stand says: HA!
Jason™ United We Stand says: cough!
Tommorow will be another chapter......
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Labels: Manchester United, Sports
Revenge of a loyal fan
It's amazing how a simple NOKIA standard sms alert tone can wake me up in the wee hours of the morning, whilst my alarm tone can ring non-stop and it will still sound like some kind of sedative music, making me even more sleepy whenever i hear it =)
Last night i was awaken by some sms by an MU fanatic.
At 0412 i heard beep beep, so i checked:
"Ronaldo 10 mins"
ooooh, an early goal (i thought)
Not bad.... ZZZzzzzzzz....
Then, at 0520, again beep beep:
"Ronaldo 58 mins Man Utd 2"
Okay, 2 - 0. Win already.
After a while of tossing & turning (i am now quite awake) I sent a msg over:
"Oi, FT already ? MU won 2 - 0 ?"
And i got this reply:
"Still playing. Wake up and watch. it's only 63 mins."
After some contemplation, i have decided not to leave the comfort of my cold wintery air-cond room and warm blanket BUT I CAN'T GO BACK TO SLEEP COZ I NEED TO KNOW THE FINAL RESULT !!!! Damn Jason HUE.
So i lay there, half sleeping, half awake, imagining what's going on with the match, when at about 0553, beep beep:
"Full time Old Trafford Man Utd 2"
Okay, now i can sleep peacefully. Immediately i closed my eyes and slept for another hour.
So why did some fanatic sms me when it's not even a big match title decider or the finals of Champions League ???
Well, it's all because i open my big mouth and teased that he was not a loyal MU FAN.....
This was what happened...
Few weeks ago, MU was gonna play Sporting Lisbon and he asked:
J: watching the match tonite?
C: already qualified, no need to watch lah. Prolli put all the young babies and lose 3 - 1. Waste of my precious sleep time.
J: Wah, you are not a loyal fan man. You must also watch the progress of the young babies. they are our future team you know?
C: aiyooooo i need to work lah. i dowan to purposely wake up and watch them lose...so free kah ? J: i also need to work but i will try my best to watch all of MU's matches no matter win or lose and blah blah blah (some examples of the matches he watched at 4am)
I felt a bit guilty but in the end, i still didn't wake up to watch :p
Then, the following Saturday, MU was gonna play Bolton and my fren has asked me to go for a drink at Velvet. And again, Jason msg me on MSN:
J: So....where will u be watching the match tonite?
C: not watching, im goin to Velvet
J: You rather go clubbing than to watch MU ??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
feeling abit guilty....
C: no lah, tonite got special occasion
J: wat occasion?
(God, he sounds like Sir Alex Ferguson interogating why i am not doing my duty as a fan )
Quickly log off (pretend connection failure)
2 hours later i log on again and another MU Fan msg me.
H: Hey, where r u watching the match tonite?
C: ummz, im not watching. got something to do....
H: ohh, fren's wedding ar? Understood. Many of those around at this time of the year.
C: no ler, going velvet
immediately i got the biggest reaction ever....
It's not like i will get any money when they win or like im some kind of lucky star that will guarantee them a win when i watch them play. &^%$# ~
Plus, the HINDRAF riot sort of help me made up my mind not to go down to KL for drinks.
Well i watched and look what happened?
No ronaldo, no rooney. All playing like they drank 5 barrels of beers the night before. For gods sake.... No team play at all.....
One week later, last Sunday, i was on MSN again with Jason.
J: Tommorow watching or not ? 4am
C: See how lah. Monday Bluez... You keep quiet and dunt start the guilty talk !!
I am a loyal fan OKAY...
J: hahaha.....I didnt say anything also....maybe i also not watching lah. Tired.
(Revenge time.....!!! )
C: How can.... ??? ur the LOYAL FAN !!!! u must watch !!! If not how ? MU SURE LOSE WITHOUT UR SUPPORT !!!
J: You watching meh ?
C: I watch or not is not important, coz ur the MOST LOYAL one, not me :D
J: Yeah Maybe I'll watch then. BTW, I feel like getting a tattoo
C: Cool, go & tattoo the red devil on ur arm....
J: no lah, although i love them, im not so GILA
C: Lidat means u are not a loyal fan. A loyal fan must tattoo the red devil logo.
J: Where's urs ??
C: You were the one that wanted a tattoo wot..... If i want to tattoo, i will surely put the red devil logo....that's LOYAL FANS......lolzz.....
J: Ok enough ar !
And so our Jason, the most loyal MU Supporter woke up at 4am to watch the match and felt the need to share the joy with me :p
This morning.....
Jason™ United We Stand says: real fans watch live
Jason™ United We Stand says: not sleep with air con
Jason™ United We Stand says: : P
CookiE® says: %$#@!
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